Find the Best Family Medicine Physician in Houston

Family medicine physician is a doctor who has undergone special multidisciplinary training in the specialty of family medicine. The received certificate gives him the right to advise all family members in any area of ​​medicine such as ENT, orthopedics, surgery, gastroenterology, neurology and others. A family medicine physician in Houston can provides preventive, curative and rehabilitative assistance to all family members, regardless of their gender and age. He resorts to the help and advice of narrow specialists only in exceptional cases.

Skills & Qualities of a Family Medicine Physician

The physician must have a basic therapeutic education, but since the scope of his activities is expanding significantly, he must have knowledge of related specialties, possess practical skills for the implementation of various methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Knowledge in Medicine Field

They must have knowledge both in the field of medicine and in other related specialties – psychology, sociology, family medicine, health condition, prevention, and etc. His main task is to protect the health of the families served, provide primary care, and treat patients independently on their age and type of disease.

Can Detect the Form of Disease

One of the most important functions this medicine physician is the early detection of latent forms of the disease, the implementation of dynamic monitoring of the state of health of patients with the implementation of the necessary therapeutic and recreational measures and the involvement of specialists from various medical institutions for this purpose.

An important section of the activity of this physician is the examination of temporary disability, and if there are signs of persistent disability.


In the activities of a medicine physician, a significant role should be assigned to the prevention of diseases, the organization of medical and social assistance to the lonely, the elderly, the disabled, and the chronically ill.  Among the main functions of this physician, it is also necessary to note the provision of advisory assistance to the family on feeding, raising children, immunization, family planning, ethics of family life.

Get the Best Family Medicine Physician in Houston TX

The family medicine department of our Primary Care clinic is attended by leading medical specialists. As a rule, all family members are seen by our family doctor. This allows you to establish long-term trusting relationships with the doctor, and therefore constantly monitor your health, notice any minor symptom in advance, and prevent the onset of the disease in time. You can contact our family medicine physician in Houston with any problem, such as:

  • Temperature increase
  • Pressure problems
  • Digestive disorders
  • Pains of any intensity and localization
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Sleep disorders
  • Deterioration in visual hearing
  • Skin problems
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Colds and etc.

All doctors of our medicine physician department have completed special courses in family medicine in addition to their basic professional education.

Choosing our specialist

Our clinic employs professionals with extensive experience. All of them have high competence in various fields and can competently help a patient with a wide range of diseases. The therapist, in such cases, refers the patient to a specialized specialist for consultation – and the family doctor in most cases can start treatment on his own.


In our clinic Primary Care you can get expert-level treatment. Apart from a family doctor, no other specialist will be able to take into account not only the symptoms of a specific disease, but also your health history, the situation in the family, the influence of various psychosomatic factors, the possibilities and contraindications to certain types of treatment.


Having chosen a doctor, you need to come to an appointment. The doctor will talk, conduct an inspection, and examine the results of the previous treatment if you have any. If necessary, an additional examination will be scheduled. You can perform all examinations and take tests on the day of your visit to our clinic.

The Bottom Line

Family medicine is a system for organizing primary health care, which is provided by a family doctor regardless of age, gender or the nature of the pathology.

All doctors of our family medicine department have basic education in the specialty “general practitioner”. In addition, they have additional advanced education in family medicine. Our specialists underwent trainings and regularly improve their level of knowledge.

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